Project Spotlight

Indian Health Service

Worked with more than two dozen tribes across the U.S. to create 1000+ stock photos, 10 videos, numerous brochures, infographics, fact sheets and slide decks for IHS’s Injury Prevention Program. We traveled to each region (Southwest, Coastal, Northern Plains, Midwest, Nashville and Alaska) to photograph and video tribes, tribal citizens, injury prevention related events and other required shots. The print products were all designed using the photography we captured. We archived and tagged the 1000+ photos so IHS can use images of the AI/AN community in their communication products.

Project Spotlight

Army Environmental Command (AEC)

Campaign focused on the Army Compatible Use Program (ACUB). AEC wanted to increase public awareness of the effort to reduce encroachment by creating buffer zones. The Army has protected more than 390,000 acres through key partnerships! Deliverables: Website Page Development, Graphic Design, Photography, Social Media and PR Articles.

Project Spotlight

Defense Acquisition University

Federal contract to design, layout, write/edit & publish the DAU’s annual catalog, bi-monthly Acquisition/AT&L magazine and the quarterly Acquisition Research Journal. Our team provided award winning work and earned two APEX Awards for Publication Excellence, NAGC Blue Pencil & Gold Screen Award, Hermes Creative Gold Winner and a MARCOM Gold winner!

Project Spotlight

North Dakota Army National Guard

Digital media advertising campaign to generate quality leads using Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, Programmatic and Geo-targeting. In one year more than 13,000,000 impressions reached NDARNG’s target audience! A strategic lead capturing web page was developed to send the leads directly to recruiters.

Project Spotlight

Indian Health Service

National Campaign targeting Native American youth and young adults to the dangers of Commercial Tobacco. We branded several infographics on the harmful effects of smoking, vaping and chewing commercial tobacco. We also designed posters, created videos and published a tool-kit. (Also certified with IHS for Basic Tobacco Intervention Skills for Native Communities)

Project Spotlight

Leche Lounge

Marketing consulting and campaign creation for a local start-up company. Stephanie has a wonderful story to tell as a hard working entrepreneur and loving mother. Her passion to make sure all working mothers have a safe place to pump drove her to create Leche Lounge. We are proud to have been a part of her success and loved winning three Addy Awards for our campaign!

Project Spotlight

574 Foundation

Each month we design a Power Box campaign for the 574 Foundation. The Power Boxes are distributed to 9th grade Indian Education Students at Broken Arrow Public School (BAPS). BAPS is the largest school district in Oklahoma and campaigns encourage Native families to connect at the dinner table, interact with cultural activities, learn about good mental/physical health and most importantly nurture the family relationship! Check them out at!

Project Spotlight

IHS Teen Circuit Training

National campaign for Indian Health Service (IHS) focusing on increasing physical activity for American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) children, teens, adults and older adults. This highlighted project involved creating 12 circuit training cards and a video explaining how the training works. C3 photographed AI/AN youth for the training models and used AI/AN’s for the video. The products were uploaded to an IHS “Move for Wellness” website that C3 designed for IHS.