Websites have three parts:
- Your domain name (
- Hosting which provides a place on the Internet for your files that make up your website
- Your website files that make up the design and content for your business
Domains can be purchased online from many different domain registrants. Google “domain registration” to see some of the popular registrants. It’s smart to purchase your domain name with a company that can host as well. has been a good registrant for us and they commonly have coupon codes that can save you dollars.
- An average domain name is around $10/year
- An average hosting fee is around $60/year
Unfortunately registrants will try to sell you additional products/services that they make look important. If you feel uncomfortable about what you need to get going, use a web designer, programmer or agency like The C3 Group to put everything you need in a GoDaddy shopping cart where all you have to do is sign on to GoDaddy and check out. That way you see the exact charges, know when renewal is and have access to working directly with your hosting company.
Content Management Systems (CMS)
Once you have your domain and hosting you are ready for your website files. If you are wanting to manage the content on your website it is important that you either know coding or have a content management system (CMS) installed. CMS are free and can be installed in minutes. Here is a list of popular CMS that you can have installed easily:
- WordPress
- Joomla
- Drupal
- Magento (ecommerce)
- Opencart (ecommerce)
- Zencart (ecommerce)
The internet is full of information about CMS and books can be purchased that walk you through particular CMS. If you have the time and patience to read through a book and construct your own site go for it. If not, use a web designer with experience in CMS. Make sure they know up front that you would like training and an informative guide on managing the web content after the site is complete.