Spring is in the air! The sun is shining, the grass is green and the allergies are in full bloom… Are you feeling restless, maybe looking for a change of scenery? Like everything in life your company’s website may need a light dusting or even a Marie Kondo style tidying up! Making sure your website functions properly, has the right information and is up-to-date is part of showing your customers you care about their experience and prioritize your online presence.
Light Dusting
Check and Update Contact Info
Nothing wastes time and resources like not having up-to-date contact information on your website. Save your customers frustration by updating and deleting references to long-forgotten emails that are not routinely checked.
Dust & Polish
Evaluate CTA (Call-To-Action)
Are your CTA buttons placed where your customers can see them? Are they resulting in sales? Take a close look at places where you could add/edit CTA like, “call now”, “get a quote”, “contact us.”
Spring Clean
Look for Broken Links/Proofread
Broken links can cause your company to lose sales! If a page has moved, changed names or is no longer active, make sure that change is reflected on your site. If you have several pages to check, try a website crawler that can look for broken links like Screaming Frog. Proofreading is always a good idea. Why not make sure your company’s message is coming through loud and clear?

The KonMari Method
Does the News/Calendar Page Spark Joy?
Has your news/events page been abandoned? It’s easy to get busy and forget to keep a blog or news page going on your website. If you have the time, write a short blog post to show you are still engaged with your audience. Delete past events and update your calendar with all of the exciting things you have planned! If your news page is not a priority, remove it and use your social media to stay engaged and current. It will be easier to update and appeal to your customers more anyway!
We hope this helps you take a fresh look at your website and continue engaging your customers! You can do it!

Author, Laura V. Boston
The C3 Group